Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009: I'm Now An Alphanista, Y'all

Hey, there.

Please don't pass out. I know that you usually hear from me on the 14th of every month, but now I've decided to step up the frequency of my blogging -- all part of my New Year's resolution to make better use of this mechanism to get my message out.

In addition to spending more time on my own blog, I've decided to guest more on the blogs of others. As if sent from heaven, my friend and colleague, author Maryann Reid, gave me a wonderful opportunity to write a piece for her blog, Alphanista. The blog's tagline says that it's "dedicated to the Alpha female prespective." And how!

The tone of the blog is fun, playful, but it spills the tea in the most hilarious ways. It was a great venue for me to get some stuff of my chest. First up -- the slowly-going-past-its-freshness-date cougar trend. Here's my take on it. Enjoy!

Ten Reasons Why This Alphanista Won't Be a Cougar.

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