Tuesday, February 02, 2010

February 2, 2010: DON'T BRING HOME A WHITE BOY: Reframing loyalty

Germantown author Karyn Langhorne Folan strikes pay dirt with Don’t Bring Home a White Boy and Other Notions that Keep Black Women from Dating Out, in stores February 2. The book, exploring the notions steeped in slavery and cultural mythology that keep single black women leery of interracial coupling, is sure to touch a nerve...

DON'T BRING HOME A WHITE BOY: Reframing loyalty

February 2, 2010: DON'T BRING HOME A WHITE BOY explores why black women just say no to interracial love

Don’t Bring Home a White Boy and Other Notions that Keep Black Women from Dating Out by Germantown author Karyn Langhorne Folan hits stores tomorrow. The provocative tome examines the notions steeped in slavery and cultural mythology that keep single black women leery of interracial coupling, even in the face of overwhelming evidence and statistics that suggest that eschew it at their peril...

DON'T BRING HOME A WHITE BOY explores why black women just say no to interracial love